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Drama & Theatre: Institutions & People


A number of universities and other organizations have played an important role in the field of drama. It is worth examining their websites for further information on the work they do and what their empahsis and specialisation is.  Here is a list of the top 25 drama schools in the world.

Who's Who

The field of drama and theatre counts a number of famous actors and directors. Here are a selection of recent MacArthur fellows in the field.

David Cromer is a theater director and actor who is reinvigorating classic American plays and illuminating their relationship to the present. His incisive interpretations of the twentieth-century repertoire honor the original intention of each work while providing audiences with more psychologically complex performances than previous renderings. - See more at:

David Simon is an author, screenwriter, and producer who draws from his background as a crime beat reporter to craft richly textured narratives that probe urban America’s most complex and poorly understood realities. Though Simon has authored a wide range of nonfiction works, both in journalism (as a Baltimore Sun reporter and freelancer) and book-length form, he is best known for his contributions to drama; he has been a screenwriter and/or producer for several critically acclaimed television series, including Homicide: Life on the Street (1993–1999), The Wire (2002–2008), and Treme (2010–). 

Jennifer Tipton is an internationally recognized lighting designer whose distinctive designs have redefined the relationship between lighting and performance. Tipton has been an important presence throughout her prolific career in dance, drama, and opera productions of all scales, and she is regarded as one of the most versatile designers working today. - See more at:

Theatre and movie awards